That made me both laugh and feel very sad at the same time. What a wonderful friend Jane was, especially when you needed her at teachers' training college. I couldn't have survived with all that booze - I've always been a rubbish drinker! I'm so glad that she found you again in later life, but how sad that she died too soon.
What a lovely tribute to your friend. I can relate to your college time! I went to Bradford teacher training college and life was full of student union bar and the curry house across the road x
Yes indeed and Kelvin, who you know also died too soon, would be very pleased. I'm meeting another friend of long-standing tomorrow in London for a stroll, a beer and much conversation. I'm going to start that conversation by telling him how much I appreciate his friendship.
That made me both laugh and feel very sad at the same time. What a wonderful friend Jane was, especially when you needed her at teachers' training college. I couldn't have survived with all that booze - I've always been a rubbish drinker! I'm so glad that she found you again in later life, but how sad that she died too soon.
Thanks for reading and for your thoughts, Gina. Sending my very best to you and yours x
What a lovely tribute to your friend. I can relate to your college time! I went to Bradford teacher training college and life was full of student union bar and the curry house across the road x
Thanks for reading, and your comment, Sue. Times were very different then, weren't they?
Wonderful share Sue, the value of friends.
Thank you Harry, it was your piece on your friend, was it Kelvin, which inspired me to remember Jane in writing.
Yes indeed and Kelvin, who you know also died too soon, would be very pleased. I'm meeting another friend of long-standing tomorrow in London for a stroll, a beer and much conversation. I'm going to start that conversation by telling him how much I appreciate his friendship.
Excellent 👌 hope you have a lovely day together.
Love that you two fell in with a bad crowd, yourselves and SO glad you got back together for hugs and memories. Uplifting and poignant memoir writing.
Thank you for reading. They were wild days!
Wonderful share Sue, the value of friends.