Great post. I’m so enjoying Beth’s journaling prompts too.

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Thanks Ali. They are great, aren't they?

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First of all, what a glorious shot of you and the ‘grandbairns’. Joyful. And in a year of such heartbreak for you, much-needed.

This is such a touching letter to us all, and super-important. Not doing something is often WAY more important than doing something. Being, and seeing how life unfolds, feels necessary. JoJo and I have been answering Beth’s questions; a very affirming way of examining the life we have carved out for ourselves. Just ‘being’ is at the heart of it all. We hope it works as well for you as it does for us. Hugs from France. X

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Thanks Barrie 💛 the grand bairns bring such joy and I'm learning how to recognise such feelings bodily. Something new to me - glimmers I am told. ✨

It was your note about Beth's journalling prompts that sent me scuttling over and unearthing my copy of Kokoro.

Thanks for connecting - off for a lunchtime lollop down the lane xx

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I’ve just ordered ‘The Way of the Fearless Writer’ because I am enjoying Beth’s writing so much. I’m not so relaxed about the journaling but I’m trying. Happy lolloping … such a good word - reminds me of the wonderful Lionel Jeffries in the equally wonderful Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

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Yes, that's on my TBR pile too!!

A wonderful film! I can sing all the words to all the songs!

As for journaling - I got into doing morning pages a la Julia Cameron a while back and love the ritual - try not to reach for my phone until journaling is done!

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That’s the smart move. Bin the smart phone!

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Acknowledging what you need and then giving yourself that space is such a brave and powerful thing. For what it’s worth I am certain you’re doing the right thing and whichever windows open next you’ll be far more able to meet the opportunity on the other side having given yourself this time. And thank you for the book recommendation, it sounds like something I could really benefit from.

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Thank you, Kizzia. This feels like a long overdue carving out of space!

I do hope you get Kokoro - I'm only two chapters in and it's already working its magic.

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Hitting pause is such a good idea. It’s been such an emotional time for you. I hope you carry on enjoying the writing and finding a way to make time for that and the rest of the writing journey will follow and who knows what direction that might take you in. Take care, Hx

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Thank you Harriet. I feel a break is long overdue - probably half a century overdue!

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This sounds like exactly the right decision, Sue - time for yourself, for family, to grieve, to meditate and think and find joy and creativity. New windows are waiting to open for you 💚🌳

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Thank you Amanda, so kind. It's hard to let go of our own expectations of what we 'should' be doing. But once we do, the path ahead seems surprisingly clear.

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Hi Sue, thank you for sharing ❤️ I definitely relate to not wanting or being able to write when there is so much going on in life. Grief is such a painful journey. Be gentle with yourself and know that whatever you need is okay ❤️

I too read Kokoro and found it very healing. I read it just after my beautiful cat Charlie passed away.

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Thank you Kat. There is so much turbulence in my life right now, the bigger projects just seem too huge. So sorry to hear about your dear Charlie cat. Xx

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